Add A Subscriber:

From the Main Menu:

Subscribers > Add Subscriber 

Use this screen to manually add a new subscriber to your AutoResponse Plus database.

Contact information

  • Subscriber's title
    This entry is optional. If you enter a title for the subscriber (eg Mr, Mrs, Miss etc), you can insert it in follow-up messages with the.
  • Subscriber's first name
    This entry is optional. If you enter a first (given) name for the subscriber, you can insert it in follow-up messages with the {FIRSTNAME} tag.
  • Subscriber's middle name
    This entry is optional. If you enter a middle name for the subscriber, you can insert it in follow-up messages with the {MIDDLENAME} tag.
  • Subscriber's last name
    This entry is optional. If you enter a last (family) name for the subscriber, you can insert it in follow-up messages with the {LASTNAME} tag.
  • Subscriber's full name
    This entry is optional. If you enter a full name for the subscriber, you can insert it in follow-up messages with the {FULLNAME} tag.
  • Subscriber's e-mail address
    You must enter a valid e-mail address here. Insert it in messages with the {EMAIL} tag.
  • Subscriber's IP address
    This entry is optional. If you enter an IP address for the subscriber, you can insert it in follow-up messages with the {IPADDRESS} tag.

Autoresponder settings

  • Autoresponder
    Choose the autoresponder you wish the new subscriber to be subscribed to, or "undefined" if you don't want to add this subscriber to a follow-up sequence.
  • Starting message #
    Enter the message number in the series that you want them to receive first. For example, you might set this to "2" so that they don't receive your "thanks for subscribing" immediate message.
  • Tracking tag
    If you want a tracking tag to be associated with the new subscriber, choose one here.
  • Initial status
    Normally you would leave this set to 'Active' which means that the follow-up sequence will be live immediately. You can choose other status values if you wish. These are:
  • Active
  • Suspended
  • Finished
  • Preferred format
    Choose what message format (plain text or HTML) you would like the new subscriber to receive follow-up messages in.
  • Drop existing subscriptions
    Check this box if you want to cancel all subscriptions to this autoresponder by this subscriber before they are added at the position you selected.
  • Use autoresponder drop rules
    In the properties of an autoresponder, you can set what happens when someone subscribes to the autoresponder (for example, unsubscribe them from one of your other autoresponders). Check this box if you want to follow the rules set for the autoresponder that you're about to add this subscriber to.

Additional information

  • Custom fields
    Use this area to store extra fields of information.
  • Notes on this subscriber
    A free form field for any additional notes on this subscriber.

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